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From license to subscription, discount on Family plan

Community Member

Like many others, I've been getting a message that I really should upgrade to a 1Password membership, for my own good of course. Apparently my current license (that I got in 2013) doesn't support 1Password 8 and all the amazing features that are going to be membership only, fair enough.

Not a big fan of memberships in general, I understand the business reasons, but I also happen to like the overall product, so sure, I'll check the membership plan out. 50% is a decent overall discount and I would be tempted. But the reality is that my wife already has an individual subscription plan, I have the old license. It wouldn't make sense for us both to pay for the individual license (even with my own discount), so the best option would be the family plan, except that one doesn't have any discount for license holders like me...

So I guess I'll stay with the license for the foreseeable future, no big deal on my end, just thought it might be useful to see how offering a discount on the family plan might drive more conversion on your end. Unless there is a way to convert from individual to family plan and carry over the discount that I missed.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • Hi @Jupiler:

    Glad to hear you're excited by 1Password 8. If you send us an email at with a link to this thread, we'll be able to see what we can do for you. :smile:


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