Masked email not showing up as an option

Community Member
edited November 2021 in Mac

SORRY New to the forums and just realized I posted this in the wrong area...but can't figure out how to delete it. πŸ™‚ Please ignore...carry on...carry on...

Hello! I've successfully connected 1Password to my Fastmail account (verified on both services) but when I go to create a new account somewhere it just shows the same "Suggestions" drop-down it always has without the option to create a masked email address.

I've toggled my 1Password extension on and off, restarted Safari as well as 1Password. No luck. I looked through my 1Password settings and saw a check box for but nothing for Masked Email/Fastmail. I'm guessing I'm missing something very obvious but any help would be appreciated. πŸ™‚

1Password Version: 7.9
Extension Version: 7.9
OS Version: macOS 12.0.1


  • Hi @rathbun:

    I can definitely move your thread for you :smile:

    For Safari, the Fastmail integration requires the 1Password for Safari extension. That extension does not integrate with 1Password 7. It can either operate with your 1Password membership separately from the app, or it can integrate with 1Password 8 for Mac Early Access.


  • rathbun
    Community Member

    Thanks for the info. Once I figured out there was a difference in Safari extensions I got it figured out. Feel free to delete my post if it helps keep things tidy. πŸ™‚

  • Glad to hear you got it working @rathbun, if you need anything else, don't hesitate to get in touch! :smile:

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