
Am a teacher and do a ton of work assisting students with their accounts and passwords and such.
But my accounts are complex and annoying and sign me out regularly, so I want 1Password there to log me in, and then I want to be able to pause it so it stops trying to autofill, generate passwords, and save passwords when I'm resetting a student's password, or setting up a student's account.

Am on a Mac. Can be on Safari or Chrome - whichever has easier functioning.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MelanieIs!

    and then I want to be able to pause it so it stops trying to autofill, generate passwords, and save passwords when I'm resetting a student's password, or setting up a student's account.

    Have you considered simply locking the 1Password app and extension when you are done logging in to your accounts?

  • MelanieIs
    Community Member

    Thanks - no - I'm new here, coming from Dashlane, which has a pause function. I just tried it - - LOCK stops trying to fill in passwords, recommend passwords, and save passwords, but it keeps a prompt to log into 1Password in every single field. Not the end of the world, but over time, annoying, and an impediment to efficient workflow.

    There must be a way to pause.

  • @Melaniels

    If you find the inline menu is too intrusive, you can change how it behaves in your browser. Right-click the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose Settings. Under Autofill, you'll have an option to "Show autofill menu on field focus". Disabling this feature will automatically hide the inline menu when you click inside a field. If you wish to use 1Password, you can click the blue icon in the field to show the inline menu and interact with 1Password. Let me know if that helps!

    ref: dev/core/core#9970

  • MelanieIs
    Community Member

    :) Thank you. That is exactly what I wanted.

  • You are most welcome, @MelanieIs! :smile:

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