Changed Master Password but Mac App and Browser extensions only accept old

Community Member


Set up account this week and my master password was annoying to type. I developed a new one. I changed my master password. When I look in 1Password - in my computer, on my phone, in the browser extension, mini-app - it's changed. Good.

But when the apps and extensions lock - it wants my old password. I don't want to type that password ever again (that's why I changed it!), but it's the only one I can access the account with. This is true for the app, the mini-app in the menu bar, and the browser extensions (Safari, Chrome).

I'm not locked out (obvi) - I know this old password, and can get in with Touch ID anyway. But I really want that password changed immediately. Have quit/restarted 1Password, browsers, and the computer multiple times.

Please help.

1Password Version: 7.9.1
Extension Version: 1Password for Safari 2.1.3, Chrome extension
OS Version: MacOS 12.0.1


  • MelanieIs
    Community Member

    Think I've solved it
    I had changed my master password login, but hadn't actually changed my master password itself, in preferences, in the app.
    False alarm, but the frustration was real.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for sharing this update with the community @MelanieIs!

    I had changed my master password login, but hadn't actually changed my master password itself, in preferences, in the app.

    Do you by chance have an old vault named Primary in your 1Password app? This would explain why you had to change the password manually on this computer, but not on all your other devices.

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