Non-proportional typeface for passwords


Hi, I just wanted to drop in and say 1Password 8 on macOS is coming along nicely. I noticed the new (I think it's new?) workflow for generating random answers to secret/recovery questions. I've hoped for this for a long time.

I also noticed the return (again, I think this was missing in earlier builds?) of alternate coloring of ambiguous characters in password text. That's nice to have back.

I hope that we'll see a return of a non-proportionate typeface for passwords as well to make it even easier to spot O vs 0 and 1 vs l, etc.

Great job, and I'm looking forward to what's next!


1Password Version: 8.4.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.0.1


  • Hello @zcutlip ! I am so glad that you're enjoying 1Password 8 :smile:

    Thanks for sharing your feedback! We appreciate every idea that could make 1Password better.

    I'd love to get a little more information from you about where you're seeing password rendering without clear differentiation between (for example) 1, l, 0, O.

    We'd love to get a fix on anywhere we've missed clear password rendering so that we can squash those bugs and make readable passwords for everyone.

    Thanks again and have a wonderful day!

  • zcutlip
    Community Member
    edited November 2021

    Hi, thanks for the reply. I took screenshots of a contrived example on macOS in the latest 1Password 7 and 1Password 8. In 1P 7, the password field uses a non-proportional, serif typeface, whereas 1P 8 uses a proportional sans-serif (or reduced serif?) typeface.

    I suppose it's subjective, but I always found the monospace font with really pronounced serifs easier to read and distinguish ambiguous characters.

    In the case that an instance of each sibling of an ambiguous pair, such as I, and l are present in the same password, telling them apart isn't too bad. With only one or the other I feel it's harder to know which one you're looking at in 1Password 8.

    I do like the character coloring in both 7 & 8 (not present in the attached screenshots), but coloring isn't helpful for everyone of course.


    1Password 7 Example
    [1Password 7 Example]

    1Password 8 Example
    [1Password 8 Example]

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