Is there a way to tell 1password to not suggest autocomplete data?


I'm currently building an address auto complete form and for the life of me I can't figure out how to tell 1password to not show its autocomplete menu. is there a property developers can add to their input fields to tell 1password to not run on it?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @lifeiscontent ,
    1Password analyzes every page to determine what kind of page it is, if it has fillable forms and fields, what they are and what are their types etc.

    If you have a form with fillable fields such as address, zip code, email etc, 1Password will figure out this is a registration or an address form and will suggest autofilling information from an identity item.
    In case of having a password and a username fields on a page, 1Password will designate it as a login page and will suggest login items.

    As a user, you can go into the extension's settings page and turn off the "Show autofill menu on field focus", which will prevent 1Password from popping up on its own and suggest stuff.
    As a developer, you can try adding the autocomplete="off" flag to fields. If there are no password fields on the page, 1Password should respect that flag and not show up in most cases.

    Other workarounds include setting the type of the field to a search field, which 1Password will try to avoid, but that's not a great workaround if you have a lot of fields on a single page.

    In case the above info didn't help, feel free to send us a link to your website (or a live demo of it) so we can test it and provide additional suggestions if possible. You can send it here publicly or via email privately to

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