1PW membership sign up offer & followup follow up Qs regarding Smart Folders

Community Member

Could you post a link to the 50% offer that was advertised in the standalone version a few days ago? The ad in the app flashed by too quickly, and disappeared before I had a chance to sign up. Came at a perfect time to change my workflow.

I’m still wrangled a method to get around the loss of saved Smart Folders. I need to re-ask the following questions:

1) Years ago, in the Windows flavor of 1PW, perhaps on v3 or v4, there was tag search capability in the search field with syntax like "tag::000-000-0001”. Does this search function exist in subscription 1Password? If yes, is there a search field syntax where you can enter a string like "-tag::000-000-0001 -tag::000-000-0002 -tag::000-000-0003 -tag::none"? This would work like Gmail’s search, excluding items with a minus sign before Gmail labels. What I'm trying to get at is a way of saving some search criteria like "-tag::000-000-0001 -tag::000-000-0002 -tag::000-000-0003 -tag::none" in a OneNote or wherever, then simply copy paste that criteria into a search field to return the desired results. I’m looking for a way to avoid having to configure and reconfigure the search criteria input menu.

2) Typing up Q1 got me wondering, if 1PW works on the macOS command line, is there a way to structure complex tag searches of the kind I'm suggesting from the command line?

3) Could you screenshot subscription 1Password search criteria options for the Tag field? If the options are expanded from the standalone version of 1PW, there may a way to simplify my defined Smart Folders.

I’ve been playing around with the vault exporting function, and tags are included in the export. Whatever limitations I hit, I can probably build something outside 1pw to replicate the current standalone functionality.

Thanks in advance...

1Password Version: v7.9.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 11.6


  • Hi @Superfandominatrix:

    Emailing us at support+tradein@1password.com would be the best way to get the promo again.

    As for your smart folders, 1Password 7 for Mac whether you're using it standalone or with a 1Password account has the same search options. In other words, while you could not create a Smart Folder with your 1Password account vaults, you could replicate the search as needed.


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