Feature Request: Adding logins from the 1Password cmd+shift+O shortcut by another shortcut or action


Hello! Just a feature request in terms of ergonomics with the early beta - it would be nice to start the add-login/document flow in the quick search bar, either via a command or another edit menu action.

This is particularly useful for when I add logins that don't require a password, e.g. a sign-in with Google or sign-in with GitHub. If I want to log that this password is SIWG or SIWGH, I currently find out via the quick search bar and then have to open up the 1Password app (which is not a terrible flow), but it could make sense to have an option to create a login or other document from the search bar.

1Password Version: 8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.0

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