Misc issues with the Mac desktop app...

  • If the app is open in a space that has a full-screen app like Safari, it never gets out of the way for me to get to safari even by command-tabbing. Indeed, what is it even doing there? I know this isn't a Mac app and am not trying to go down that rabbit hole from many months ago, but why can't it open in another space? This is even worse than how MS apps operate in terms of not respecting spaces.
  • No matter how many times I select my collection, I'm still having to reselect it every time I use 1PW if it was recently restarted.
  • Again, because it is not a well-behaved app, let alone a native Mac app, when I'm on dual monitors (which is pretty much always), the app exists over a maximized app as mentioned above, but the menu bar for 1PW is on my other screen. So it isn't behaving like the active app on my main monitor even though it is and won't get out of the way of the full size app in that same space.

1Password Version: 8.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12


  • dtoub
    Community Member
    edited November 2021

    Oh and I almost forgot-why can't quick access enable one to right click and do anything? Like perhaps being able to edit a login? I miss v7 for stuff like that.

    And what happened to the password history for previous passwords that have been replaced? If I right-click or hit the vertical dots on a login in the main 1PW application, here's what I get: no "View Previous Passwords." ????

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Thank you for the feedback! I think I can help already when it comes to this:

    And what happened to the password history for previous passwords that have been replaced? If I right-click or hit the vertical dots on a login in the main 1PW application, here's what I get: no "View Previous Passwords." ????

    You can find this feature directly next to the password field of an item:

  • dtoub
    Community Member

    got it-thanks.

  • donnywdavis
    Community Member

    I was just coming to report the same issue and saw this post. I have experienced this behavior as well, with 1Password opening over a fullscreen app and not being able to switch away from it.

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Open fullscreen app
    • Use Spotlight, Alfred, etc. to open 1Password
    • 1Password will open on top of the full screen app

    Steps for when things work as expected:

    • Make sure that 1Password is locked
    • Open Safari in fullscreen
    • Click on the browser extension button or use
    • 1Password will open but switch away from Safari
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