Several financial institutions they won't accept autofill and/or 1password password is too long

Community Member
edited November 2021 in 1Password in the Browser

'm setting up 1Password on all my accounts. For several financial institutions they won't accept the new password from 1Password because it doesn't comply with their format rules. In one case the character limit for the password is 16 and looks like yours is longer. For another (Nationwide) it says to check format rules (see below) but I can't see what the 1Password password actually is to see why it is not compliant. Please advise. Thanks

Be 6 or more characters
Not have spaces
Have at least 1 number or 1 special character
Not contain all numbers or these special characters ^, &, *, (, ), <, >, ", ', or %

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:passwords won't autofill


  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Ghee ,

    1Password's smart password suggestions will follow a predetermined recipe if the website doesn't provide its requirements within the HTML code of the field.
    In such cases, you'll want to open the password generator and customize your own recipe that will fit the website's requirements:

    If the password you generated contains one of the forbidden symbols, re-generate a new password until you land on one that doesn't, then click on "Autofill" to fill it on the page :)

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