Cannot update credit card expiry date


When trying to update expiry date of a credit card, I can't seem to be able to save the changes. Clicking on the save button doesn't do anything and no changes are actually saved.

I've received a renewed card and wanted to use the original item as a "template" to only change the relevant sections, however once I touch the expiry date, I can't save any changes.

I can confirm that changing i.e. name or verification number works fine. So it seems the issue is when updating the expiration date.

1Password Version: 8.5.0 (80500008)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.0.1


  • Hi @ondrejfuhrer , thank you for reporting this bug. The team is aware of this issue and is actively working on getting it fixed up and functioning properly. My apologies for the inconvenience!

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