This is a shot in the dark but I figured I'd request it!


I'd love to see an option to toggle, for nerdier users such as myself, something in 1Password that'd let us quickly copy & fill this form with the current 1Password and 1Password Extension versions, along with the OS. At first I thought, hey, this is asking way too much—but, who knows, maybe someone else will dig the idea!

In essence, I'm envisioning an option in the pre-release version that'd enable a quick link to this or a similar form. The con being that you'd need to be signed in to post, but hey, I think if anyone can figure out how to do that part it'd be the smart people here :)

Many thanks and looking forward to learn whether or not anyone else would dig this.

1Password Version: 80500012, on NIGHTLY channel
Extension Version: 2.1.8
OS Version: Not Provided

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