Some Simplified Chinese translation "over" thing: Ctrl -> 管控

Community Member

By over-translating, I mean we just use it as it is, there is no need to translate.

In the "Settings/设置" → "General/通用" → "Keyboard shortcuts 键盘快捷键", "Ctrl" is translated into "管控", and "Win" is translated into "Meta". This is far over. In Simplified Chinese, we just use a keyboard layout so much similiar to the "U.S. Keyboard Layout", so we are familiar with "Ctrl", "Shift", "Win", "Alt"。

in Simplified Chinese
use "Ctrl", "Shift", "Win", "Alt" in Windows, and ""Ctrl", "Shift", "Command", "Option" in macOS.

thank you.

1Password Version: 8.4.1
Extension Version: 2.1.4
OS Version: Windows 21H2


  • Thank you for this feedback, @Definee. I have passed it along to the appropriate people on our team, and thank you very much for taking the time to make this clear for us. We want to translate appropriately and faithfully, and we appreciate your input on this!

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