v8 Closes On Its Own?

1P is among a handful of apps that should always be open on my Mac. v8 appears to close itself at some interval. It doesn't appear to be crashing, just, when I go to use it, it isn't open anymore and I have to wait while it starts.

I prefer that apps stay open until I close them, or follow the rules about when that happens...

1Password Version: 8.5.0 (80500043 nightly)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.15.7


  • snozdop
    Community Member

    I've noticed 1PW 8 closes itself after being prompted in the browser extension to Open 1Password to enter your password. After entering the password in the app, it closes itself again.

    Frequently I've come to use the app, and expected it to be open as I've only recently unlocked it, only to find it's not open.

    Maybe that's the behaviour you're seeing?

  • Hi @rpallred, thanks for raising the issue. I'm curious to know more. In these cases, do you notice the app minimizing (as in the window closes but can be brought back in the unlocked state) or fully locking?

  • rpallred
    Community Member

    @snozdop -- I have also noted this behavior, which is one of the things that cues me that the main app isn't open anymore.

    @PeterG_1P -- Not as part of this process. When I launch 1P, I typically leave the main window open, but in the background, on my secondary monitor--or I open the app, and minimize it to the dock (depending on what other apps I'm using). I never want the main app closed (v7 is still in my startup apps and starts every time I reboot). But then I'll go to use 1P, either try to switch to the app (activate Mission Control) and the window isn't where I expect it, check the dock--yup, not open (right now, not running. ARGH!). Or, the browser extension is locked, (I click to unlock and notice that the app is opening, unlocks, minimizes, and quits.

  • frenn
    Community Member

    I have also experienced this. Upon first logging in, 1password is something I always launch, make full screen, and leave running. I haven't narrowed down when it closes, but for me it doesn't lock, just closes.

  • Hi @frenn:

    Thanks for reporting this as well. The next time it occurs, can you please note the date and time, and include the date and time with a diagnostics report?

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@1password.com.

    With your email please include:

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • rpallred
    Community Member

    Please post that number here.


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Thank you! I confirm that I have managed to locate your diagnostics report in our system :+1: We will take a look and someone will get back to your email as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your patience!

    ref: MFB-74428-584

  • rpallred
    Community Member

    Perhaps related--I've noticed that first thing in the morning, 1Password main app has stayed open overnight night (but locked), but the first time I click in a browser field to unlock 1P, the main app unlock window pops up for me to unlock with Apple Watch, which I do, then 1Password unlocks (I can see the change in the browser), and then the window minimizes to the dock and 1Password closes.

  • Hey @rpallred, could you tell me what release channel you're on? It could be either Production/Stable, Beta, or Nightly - you can find that in the Preferences -> Advanced window

    I am wondering if this is perhaps happening when a new update is available after re-booting your device. If you happen to be on the Nightly channel, this could mean that 1Password is pulling the update each night, and applying it in the morning when you boot up (which would require the app to close).

  • rpallred
    Community Member


    That said, it will happen again each time 1P locks throughout the days and I need to unlock it from the browser. Even after a restart.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2022
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  • This content has been removed.
  • Hey there @friend apologies for the delay here!

    as soon as I deactivate ["Keep 1Password in the menu bar"] and my Macbook goes to sleep, when it wakes up, 1Password is not running any more.

    Ah, that makes sense! When this option is disabled and when 1Password locks with no active window open, the 1Password app quits. Since 1Password will lock automatically when the device sleeps, what is happening is the device sleep action causes 1Password to lock and then quit. Once 1Password is no longer running it cannot "hear" or respond to any keyboard shortcuts.

    Currently the best way to keep 1Password running when locked is to keep 1Password in the menu bar - this will prevent 1Password from quitting when it locks when no window is visible.

  • s1yrat
    Community Member

    Will there be an update to the last issue with tray icon affecting background behaviour? I don't need that icon, but i wanna access quick access menu.

  • Hi @s1yrat, we don't have any updates to share on this at the moment. As @Dayton_ag mentioned, the best way to keep 1Password persistent is to keep it in the menu bar.👍

    If at some point we do make a change to how this is managed, though, we'll be sure to mention it in our release notes.

  • s1yrat
    Community Member

    The problem is we are very limited on menu bar icon real estate on the newer macbooks. Would be great if v8 started acting like v7 some day in the future.

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