Why is the 'share' command missing in the CLI apps?

Community Member

I'm looking to automate creating administrator managed passwords that get shared with individuals in my company and I think the 'share' command documented here https://support.1password.com/command-line-reference/#share would meet my needs, but in the CLI tool that command doesn't appear to be available. Am I missing something or is this feature not actually supported yet?

1Password Version: 1.12.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.0.1
Referrer: forum-search:asdf


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dcornwell!

    I see an open feature request for this, so it sounds like our developers need to implement this in the CLI still (it is a very recent feature overall, so perhaps it's just a matter of time). In the meantime, I have let them know that you would also like to see this implemented :+1:

    ref: dev/b5/op#1650

  • dcornwell
    Community Member

    Hey @ag_ana that would certainly explain what's going on. Thanks for the info and for passing along my interest in the feature.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    You are very welcome @dcornwell :)

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