Firefox extension displaying otp codes for logins that don't use it
I'm in Firefox and using extension v2.2.1 on Windows. I noticed otp codes showing up in some logins in the toolbar window that don't use otp. If I switch the display filter in the upper left to Logins and start clicking through the items, the otp code shows up for a bunch of items in the list after one of the logins that legitimately does have a code. In fact the code itself is all from that one login, it's just also being shown for a bunch of additional items past it. This has got to be a bug.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.2.1
OS Version: Windows 10
Update: I followed the instructions to install the beta (which is 2.2.4 at the current time) and this appears to be fixed.
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Hello @jonpw,
Thank you for the update. It is great to hear that 1Password Beta works for you. Please let us know if you need anything and have a great day.