Feature request: about box in help menu


I just spent some time looking for the version of my installed app (1Password for Windows 8.5.0, 80500083, on BETA channel). I found it eventually, but it would've been much easier if it were placed in the help menu (same as every Windows app I know out there).

This seems to be the standard so I don't think I'm asking much.

Maybe keep About in settings and add a help menu item that opens the settings dialog and navigates to the About section?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • Hello @nikolamilekic ! Thanks for sharing your feedback! We appreciate every idea that could make 1Password better.

    While I can not promise anything, I will pass on your feedback to the design and product teams so they can decide how a feature like this fits into the product roadmap.

    Thanks again and have a wonderful day! :)

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