Regression: 1Password main screen opens after using Quick Access


Regression: 1Password main screen opens after using Quick Access

This is not the first time that you re-introduced this bug in the beta... No QA on beta's/nightlies? :cry:

1Password Version: 80600013 (Nightly)
Extension Version: n/a
OS Version: macOS Big Sur 11.6.3


  • Thanks for the heads-up, @XIII - we've confirmed the issue on our end and the devs have been notified about it. Thank you for raising it here, I'll keep an eye on this one for you as it goes forward!

    ref: dev/core/core#12723

  • XIII
    Community Member

    It improved a bit in 80600015: now after performing an action in Quick Access, the 1Password main screen is shown for a little while, before returning to the active App.

    The user experience is better, but the flashing is still rather annoying.

  • Thank you for the heads-up, @XIII, we'll continue to pursue this on our end!

  • XIII
    Community Member

    Fixed in 80600017 :smile:

    But you broke CLI (beta; posted in the private forum) :cry:

  • Glad to hear the latest nightly got better for you. I was about to say that @Mitch and @dankyung made some improvements there and the next beta should be more solid but you're on the nightly and already knew! 🙂

    Please note that there is zero testing for nightlies. None. Nada. Zilch. While it has been pretty solid as we all use these internally and have a pretty good merge request process, regressions like these should be expected. I'm happy to have you reporting issues with the nightly but please go in with your eyes wide open know this will be the norm.

    Betas get a lot more testing as we have a chance to test the nightlies for a few days beforehand, and even better, they get real life QA on each platform. But again, by comparison, it's minimal when compared to the production channel. Thankfully our QA team is awesome and finds a ton of stuff with the small amount of time we give them.

    It's also great to hear you're testing the new CLI. Thanks for reporting the new issue. Indeed the changes to support the new CLI unlock were related to the destabilization you witnessed. Hopefully we can find a way to fix both and keep everyone happy. 🙂

    Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend,

    Cheers! 🍻

    1Password Founder

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