Localised or Customisable Categories


Can the category names be localised for different countries or perhaps customisable?

For example, the Social Security Numbers category is maybe only really applicable in the US. In the UK, it's called a National Insurance Number, in Canada a Social Insurance Number in France a "Numéro d'inscription au Répertoire" etc. etc.

Also, the Credit Cards category, could more accurately be labelled "Credit & Debit Cards" in my case.

If these could be customised it would be great,

1Password Version: 8.6.0 (80600027)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.15.7


  • Hey @snozdop:

    Thanks for the great idea! I've added your feedback to our internal tracker. 😀


    ref: IDEA-I-366

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