Favorites in 1Password 8 now showing me everybody's



  • modonan
    Community Member

    Looking through the community history, this has been a requested feature since 2016. Given 1Password 8 was written โ€œfrom the ground upโ€ you would think this feature would have been implemented by now. Letโ€™s get this off the โ€œhope to some dayโ€ list!

  • Hello @modonan,

    Thanks for your feedback. I'm sorry for any interruption to your workflow this causes. I've included this feature request for the Product team's future consideration.

    ref: PB 34108769

  • Sam23
    Community Member

    +1 for this please.

  • @Sam23

    Thank you for the feedback, I've passed along your request to our Product team as well.


    ref: PB-34273165

  • mkcom
    Community Member

    Please add +1 for me!
    Hope to see this done very soon!

  • @mkcom

    While I can't make any promises, I've passed along your request to the team. ๐Ÿ™‚


    ref: 35068688

  • SupaMonkey
    Community Member

    This isnt rocket science guys. The excuse that its 'expected behaviour' is a poor one. Favourites should be person specific.
    If you want to distinguish between the two, then fine:
    - Default: Favourites are user specific
    - Group Admin / Family Admin / Business Admin: Allow to set company/family-wide Favourites.

    Please get on this, its ridiculous that months on from this initial request and years on from another such thread (2019) - that we are still waiting on this.

  • @SupaMonkey

    Thank you for the feedback, I've passed along your comments to the team. ๐Ÿ™‚


    ref: PB-36298432

  • td234
    Community Member

    I have three accounts. This behavior goes totally against the concept of "favorites". My expected results are now littered with others people's "favorites". Just keep a local array of the IDs of each user's favorites, not in the record for the item itself.

  • Hi @td234,

    Thanks for your message and providing this feedback. I've passed it along to the team!

    ref: PB 37942504

  • ManuelSpar
    Community Member

    @ag_mike_d Hey, how are you doing? It's been two years now since the feature was been requested. Has this already been implemented? It's still anoying :( You can also add a +1 to the list.

  • @ManuelSpar

    Thank you for the feedback! I've let the team know that you'd like to see per-user favourites as well. ๐Ÿ™‚


    ref: PB-38101840

  • phillipc
    Community Member
    edited February 5

    LOL is favourites doing as a global favourite? c'mon guys, this isn't normal in any way for larger companies. Finding about this now as we've just migrated over :|

    [Removed profanity, please remember this is a family-friendly community -Moderator]

  • Hello @phillipc,

    We appreciate your feedback here about favourites. I'm sorry for any trouble this causes. I have passed your feedback along to the team.

    Please let us know if you have any other suggestions or feedback.

    ref: PB 38172711

  • AdamC
    Community Member

    I found this post as I just deleted a few 'company' favourites as I didn't understand why they were in 'my' favourites - please, also add me to 'the list'!

    EVERYONE has different 'favourites'. It's quite difficult to understand how this 'we all must have the same favourites' was ever seen as a good idea AND made it through the version 8 rewrite, despite it (according to a post further up this thread) having been an issue since 2016.

    It really does not make any sense to work like this - and 'is expected behaviour' (as it was described near the top of this thread) isn't a reasonable excuse.
    'Works as designed' is more accurate - because, I think, few (no one?) 'expects' this behaviour?

    Question - I presume if I add a login from my Employee Vault, then other people can't see it (despite the favourites being for everyone)?

    Also, the 'list' - can we see it? Can we see the suggestions list, and add/upvote requests ourselves?
    A bit like Salesforce IdeaExchange ? (free login maybe required to see this page)


  • wagnerone
    Community Member

    No. There is no transparency to what is being worked on in terms of bug reports, feature requests, etc. I gave up trying to get updates/traction on various requests that arose when v8 came out.

  • Dave_1P
    edited May 23


    Thank you for the feedback. I've let the team know that you'd like to see per-user favourites introduced to 1Password.

    Also, the 'list' - can we see it? Can we see the suggestions list, and add/upvote requests ourselves?

    There isn't a public list but all feedback is considered by our product team. We don't have a public voting system for feature requests since that could give the wrong impression that features are built only based on what has the most "votes" at a given time. Voting systems are also prone to being gamed. Discussions such as this allow us to better understand the need for specific features.

    I'm always happy to check and provide an update, if there is any, on any feature requests or bugs that have been filed with the team. ๐Ÿ™‚


    ref: PB-39950937

  • AdamC
    Community Member

    @Dave_1P ,

    Thanks for the response.
    I understand why you don't want a voting system - it has its benefits but, as you say, it has its downsides too.

    But, some more visibility on what is being worked on and approximate expected release dates (not too specific - this shouldn't used as a tool to beat you with!) would be really useful.


  • @AdamC

    Thanks for the feedback. There isn't an expected release date that the team and I can share. Changing favourites to be per-user rather than per-item is a request that is in our product team's backlog but there are prerequisites that have to be developed first before the team can consider making the change.

    The metadata that stores whether an item is favourited exists in the item itself using the faveIndex value:

    • If an item is favourited then "faveIndex": 1.
    • If an item isn't favourited then "faveIndex": 0.

    Each item is responsible for declaring whether it is a favourite or not, this system was developed in a time when sharing items in 1Password wasn't as common as it is now. Before favourites can be made per-user this faveIndex metadata has to be moved out of the item and into a new user-specific layer in the database. Creating this user-specific layer requires some architecture work and, for the moment, this work is yet to be done.

    Personally, I'd love to see user-specific favourites and I'll continue to push for the feature internally. And, if I do come across any updates that I can share then I'll make sure to update this thread. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • KennyC
    Community Member

    +1 on changing to personal favourites

  • @KennyC

    Thank you for the feedback, I've shared it with the team as well.


    ref: PB-40566588

  • DoctorWade
    Community Member

    The Favorites list should show only the items that I've favorited.

    If I want to share my favorite items, I'll duplicate/move them into vaults or create links to the favorites.
    If someone wants to share their favorites with me, they can duplicate/move their favorites into vaults or create links to their favorites.

  • @DoctorWade

    I've shared your request and feedback with the team as well. Thank you!


    ref: PB-41309954