Easy two-way linking of related items (suggestion)



  • @BobW

    I appreciate your detailed feedback and suggestions. I've filed them with our product team internally to be considered for a future update. 🙂


    ref: PB-43604236

  • asrogers
    Community Member
    edited October 2024

    in my post above ( Jan 13, 2024) , I found requests going back to 2017, and this post started in Feb 2022, over 2.5 years ago. Also a number of posters have stated that they have trouble seeing why you wouldn't want to link items in both directions and I agree, and a number of viable use cases have been articulated.

    Could someone from 1Password please articulate:
    a) if this is being planned?
    b) what are the use cases for one way links? ( it seems that being able to see the link in only one directions can actually be confusing so that you cannot tell if something is linked.

    I also think that when 2 way linking is delivered, there should be options to
    a) make links that are only 1 way, to be visible in both directions, and to remove, hide, or convert any 2 separate one way links that user's have done, to not create duplicate 2 way links.

  • @asrogers

    Thank you for your continued feedback regarding related items. Bidirectional linking of items is something that our product team continues to track but I don't have any announcements to share. We tend to keep new features pretty close to the chest until it's time to release them. When, and if, this feature is released you'll see it mentioned in our release notes: 1Password Releases

    what are the use cases for one way links? ( it seems that being able to see the link in only one directions can actually be confusing so that you cannot tell if something is linked.

    Not all users will necessarily want links to be bidirectional and the current implementation allows you the choice of whether to link an item only in one direction or from each direction (manually). Personally, I'd love to see bidirectional linking of items since that fits my personal use case and I'll keep advocating for this internally.

    On a technical level, 1Password tends to be pretty conservative when it comes to the editing of items and we want users to know and directly choose when items are edited. When you add a related item to an item, 1Password edits that item to add metadata that is stored inside of that item itself. The item being linked to is not changed or edited in anyway so other metadata like the Last edited value is preserved. Bidirectional linking would require that 1Password edit both items to add the required metadata to each item and that certainly can be done but it does require more processing and the process would need to be made clear to the user.

    I hope that sheds some light on the considerations involved. 🙂


    ref: PB-37804641