iOS does not sync to cloud - bad 1Password support

Community Member

1Password on iOS does not sync to the cloud.
1Password on the Mac does sync to the cloud and vice versa.
Changes from Mac or cloud are not in iOS 1Password.
New created vaults on iOS are transferred to cloud and Mac, but are gone after on iOS. Passwords are not synched updated from iOS to cloud.

A support request four days ago to 1Password is still unanswered by 1Password. I pay for 1Password each year and does not understand why 1Password support is no working/responding.
I use the latest versions.

1Password Version: 7.9.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.2.1


  • Hi @L1Pass:

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues syncing your 1Password data across devices. It sounds like you may have a standalone vault on one of your devices that isn't on your other devices.

    If you have a 1Password account, do you see all of the items that you expect if you log in to your 1Password account on (in the browser, not in the app)?

    If so, let me know, and I can dig into it further with you.


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