autofill vs open and fill

Community Member

Almost all the 1Password login entries offer "Open and Fill" using the Chrome/Firefox/Safari 1Pwd extensions. (All the extensions act the same way for everything I'm describing here.) A troubling few entries only offer Autofill in 1Pwd.

Those are troubling because they don't even attempt to send me to the site. So, because it's not at the site yet, Autofill does nothing. It's acting like I'm already sitting at the site I've chosen. I need to type the URL (or copy/paste it from the 1Pwd extension) and throw it into the browser. (Manually! By hand! No automation! Seconds are lost!) Once at the site's login page, it finally will fill in credentials. That part is working.

This seems like a 1Pwd setting mod I should make on those Autofill entries, however, when I edit them they look exactly like Open and Fill entries. I don't see anything to change. Also didn't see any Support articles that discuss this.

And here is the weird part. The perplexing issue above occurs when I've opened a new browser tab and click 1Pwd extension and enter a few letters of the place I want to go. However!!! If I happen to be on a browser tab opened to some other site (like now... I'm at typing this very question, and when I open that same browser extension NOW it shows Open and Fill for the site I want to go to. Open a new tab, and it's back to Autofill. THAT is mind bending, right??

Seeking expert assistance and remediation!

1Password Version: 7.9.2
Extension Version: (Chrome)
OS Version: macOS 12.2.1


  • barbless
    Community Member

    Ohhhhhhhhh. "It's acting like I'm already sitting at the site I've chosen." That led me to the answer:

    Those Autofill-only entries have blank "website" entries. The label "website" has been entered - it's not the faint "website" that's acting as a prompt to enter some actual label, it's a darkened "website" that has been entered, but there isn't an actual website to go to entered.

    All I needed to do is click the red remove icon for each of those blank entries and now it's working.

    It's both odd and understandable that 1Password would prefer the blank entry over the actual entry. Understandable because there IS an actual entry even though it's blank. Odd because what use is a 1Pwd entry that is not an actual website?

    I'm good. Sorry to bug ya!

  • I am happy to hear you found your answer. If you have other questions, let us know. Have a great weekend!

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