Feature Request Master Password Visibilty

Community Member

I wish there were a preference setting that would allow users to see their Master Password as it is typed it in. This would be a great help for those of us who have dyslexia and other language disabilities. I'm a bit dismayed that very few companies/websites adhere to this accessibility best practice.

1Password Version: 7.9.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.13.6
Referrer: forum-search:Feature Request Master Password Visibilty


  • Ben

    Hi @swnest

    This is something we're including in 1Password 8 😃 From our 1Password 8 features page:

    Reveal your password as you’re typing for easier unlocking.

    1Password 8 for Mac is currently in beta, which you can read more about here. I noticed you mentioned that you're running macOS 10.13. 1Password 8 would require a newer version of macOS (at least macOS 10.15).


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