1Password repeatedly coming 'to the front' / focus in Mac OS 12

Community Member
edited March 2022 in Mac

Hi all

I have an issue which is driving me out of my mind.

1Password come to the fore/front whatever I am doing on my Mac. Typing an email - 1Password comes to the front so I can't keep typing. Editing photos - 1Password comes to the front and stops me. Writing in this forum - 1Password comes to the front and stops me.

Drives me mad. I press Command-Q to quit it. It goes for a couple of minutes then reopens itself. I 'Quit Completely' from the 1Password toolbar menu, and it goes again, only to return.

I cannot work with the thing coming to the fore constantly, and I cannot quit it. It's maddening. What am I doing wrong? It didn't used to be this way. Operating a fairly new Mac 14" 2021 model. Tearing my hair out.

Any help/advice greatly appreciated.

1Password Version: 7.9.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.0


  • Dave_1P
    edited March 2022

    Hello @LeonardJG! 👋

    I'm sorry to hear that 1Password for Mac is focusing itself unexpectedly. I see that you've also reached out via email and I've replied to you there. I recommend that we continue the conversation over email and I'm closing this thread to prevent duplication of effort. 🙂

    ref: ZLC-79818-975

This discussion has been closed.