[ERROR]This command is meant to be used with your shell's eval function.

Community Member

started using CLIv2 and I have a problem with the script I am creating right now, even tho my colleague is working with the same script and it works for him fine (He is using Linux, I am using MacOS)

import subprocess
import json
import os
import sys
import pexpect
import operator

password = "$password$"

signin_process = None
    signin_process = pexpect.spawn('op signin -f --config $MyHomeDir$/.config/op/')
    signin_process.expect("Enter the password*")
    signin_process.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=10)
except Exception as e:

signin_token = bytes.decode(signin_process.before, "utf-8").split("\r\n")[1].split(" ")[1].strip()

vaults = pexpect.run('/usr/local/bin/op vault list  --config $MyHomeDir$/.config/op/', env={signin_token.split('=')[0].replace('"', ''): signin_token.split('=')[1].replace('"', '')})

After debugging it finds this as a problem:

bytes.decode(signin_process.before, "utf-8")
' for $USER$ at $DOMAIN$.1password.com: \r\nexport OP_SESSION_$USERID$="$SIGNINTOKEN$"\r\n# This command is meant to be used with your shell\'s eval function.\r\n# Run \'eval $(op signin $domain$)\' to sign in to your 1Password account.\r\n# Use the --raw flag to only output the session token.\r\n'

Have you got an idea what could be solution for me?
Thank you

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • Hey @patrikst,

    From what I can see, the problem in the script above is that you expect to be outputted the token from the command, when, in fact, the help-text providing instructions on how to export the session token is outputted.
    The first thing that comes to mind here is to add the --raw flag to the op signin command. This should ensure that the only thing outputted is the session token.
    Let me know if this helps! Looking forward to hearing from you.


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