Log into multiple accounts with one password

Community Member

I use two 1password subscriptions. Work and Family. Until 1password 8, I just needed to enter the password for my family account and it would also unlock the work account. Now I have to unlock the work account separately?

I'm never going to remember to unlock the work account and I'll just be frustrated that those logins are missing when I search. I'm debating making things less secure and disabling auto-lock now.

1Password Version: 8.7.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 11.6.5


  • Hi @uxjw:

    If you're using multiple accounts, with multiple account passwords, you'll need to unlock each one individually (at which point Touch ID or Apple Watch unlock will unlock all previously unlocked accounts). Generally speaking we'd recommend using the same account password for each 1Password account you may have. How to use multiple accounts


  • uxjw
    Community Member

    So this won't be fixed I guess? Kinda inconsistent with how it works on iOS, which does unlock both accounts with the one password.

  • Hi @uxjw:

    Yes, this is an intentional change.

    For a bit of backstory, we used a relatively "hacky" workaround in older versions of 1Password to allow you to use the account password for the first account added to the app. While this was definitely a handy feature to have, it came with some serious drawbacks. This tended to cause many issues where the password could be different depending on device (based on what accounts were added and what order they were added in), on top of the fact that the account password would change suddenly when that first account was removed. As the passwords themselves are never transmitted over the internet in any form whatsoever, as well as each account having their own unique Secret Key, there is not a worry about password reuse.


  • uxjw
    Community Member

    Hi @Jack.P_1P,

    Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. I guess it was a bit hacky having just the first account unlock it all and nowhere to change it, but I'll have to see if I can live with this. I was so hoping since the login for the work account was stored in my Family account that it would use that to unlock it.

  • Hey @uxjw:

    You're very welcome! Just as an another data point, I use the same account password for my individual account, my family account, and my business account. That's actually a great idea that I've heard before about using a stored Login item to unlock, so I'll share your thoughts as well. 😀


  • drwho
    Community Member

    Is there a way to configure 1P8 to unlock all the vaults when logging in using the master password? 1P7 has always worked like this. I have two teams accounts (Family and biz) and when I enter the master password in 1P7 it unlocks both accounts. However, in 1P8 this no longer works. I have to sign in with the master password then lookup the password for the second account and copy and paste it to unlock it. How do I get 1P8 to unlock all accounts at once without going through the above steps?


    1Password Version: 8.7.0
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: 12.3.1

  • @drwho

    I have merged your topic with another. Please see see the reply from Jack.P_1P above.

  • drwho
    Community Member

    @ag_tommy thank you for merging the topics. While I understand the desire to remove the workaround, the convenience of having a single point of entry for all my accounts in the client app is a big deal. For the time being I'm with @uxjw and will see if I can live with the change but it would be nice if the team could find a way to allow users to designate which accounts to unlock at once using a single master password. Btw, I don't use the watch or fingerprint reader to unlock 1password which is another reason why this change is so inconvenient.

  • Thank you for letting us know, @drwho. We appreciate the opportunity to understand these specifics!

  • lunks
    Community Member
    edited May 2022

    Hey, I'm in a scenario where my 1p from work has a more strict password than my personal one so I can't set the same password for both, I'd rather keep my current password on the personal vault. One way to keep a similar UX would be to allow me to look for a login/password item while unlocking the secondary vault and autofill it. Use 1password to unlock 1password.

  • Thank you for the suggestion, @lunks. I have passed it on to our development team, with thanks to you. 🙏

    ref: IDEA-I-866

  • Puky
    Community Member

    I'm late to the party. But another idea might be a setting to "unlock every/ previously selected accounts" upon the first unlock. Since I've stored my work accounts password in my private account, I just can CTRL - SHIFT - C it.

    If only 1password would automatically ask for the next password/s. For now i have to go via the main window. I'd like the option to just unlock the next account after the first unlock.

  • @Puky

    Thank you for the feedback! I've shared your comments with our development team. 😊

  • Domon
    Community Member

    +1 for unlocking multiple accounts at once with one password. The inability to do so is a deal breaker for me.

  • Thanks for the feedback @Domon I've recorded it for the team.

  • ulope
    Community Member

    Just one more voice that is frustrated by this change.

    Also I'm not comfortable sharing the same password between personal and work account.

    Even if it's technically safe to do in this case (which I'm not entirely sure how that's the case, a more in depth explanation would be appreciated) it's a bad precedent to set for people just after having told them a million times that you should NEVER re-use passwords.

  • Hello @ulope, thanks for your feedback and sorry for any frustration you are experiencing as result of this change. I've passed your thoughts along to the team.

    If you'd like to read more about the topic of using the same account password for each of your 1Password accounts, you'll find those details in this thread.

    Have a great day!

    ref: IDEA-I-866

This discussion has been closed.