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Former Member's avatar
Former Member
3 years ago

Safari Extension plays Schrodingers Cat

MacOS 11.5.2, with Safari 15.0. No other browser extensions installed (none).

Was reminded today that 1P8 can do some cool stuff with SSH, so went to upgrade from 7. The Safari extension, starting from the "Get Browser Extension" in 1P preferences, installed, but is also not installed. You're taken to the Apple App Store, okay, install the extension. Installed. Open. Here's a dialog with a button to open Safari preferences to enable the extension. Button doesn't open anything.

Open Safari's preferences directly, extensions, get "No Extensions". Restart Safari, no good. Reboot, no good. Remove "1P for Safari" app and 1P, re-install, no good. Still "No Extensions". To verify, cleanMyMac also reports no Safari extensions installed.

The App Store says the extension is installed, but that seems to be the only thing that believes it is.

I found application logs in ~/Library/Group Containers/ Support/1Password/Data/logs - but nothing was recorded (tail -f) when I tried to install the extension again.

The only log entries that seem relevant are several like this, and were produced prior to when I tried tailing the logs and installing the extension.

INFO 2022-05-05T20:37:16.012 ThreadId(2) [swift] OPAppDownloadController.swift:228 :: urlSession(_:downloadTask:didFinishDownloadingTo:) | Removing quarantine from /Applications/ Browser

ERROR 2022-05-05T20:37:16.186 ThreadId(2) [swift] OPAppDownloadController.swift:230 :: urlSession(_:downloadTask:didFinishDownloadingTo:) | Failed to remove quarantine.

I'm at a loss, and going back to 1P7 but any assistance resolving this would be appreciated.

1Password Version: 8.7.0
Extension Version: good question
OS Version: macOS 11.5.2

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    1P_PeterG I have the same error in logs. I cannot open brokers' extensions using Touch ID. I don't have connectivity to the SSH in terminal. Also when I boot macOS I recieve information that 1Password is not in the application folder while it is.

    Why it is like that? Is it !password issue or macOS?
    Could your tip from be reversed? My point is I would like to avoid any manual changes in the system.

  • @rhornsby

    On behalf of Peter, I'm happy that 1Password for Safari is now working on your Mac. 😊

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Yeesh, I would have never found lsregister buried way down there. But it did fix the problem so that 1P shows up in Safari's extensions now. Props to your quantum physics research team for figuring that out. Thanks!

  • 1P_PeterG's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Hello again @rhornsby, back again sooner than expected. 👋

    Here are some steps which our extensions colleagues suggest to resolve the issue:

    1. Close all open web browsers.
    2. Open the Terminal app on your Mac
    3. Paste the following into Terminal and then press enter to run the command: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -f -R /Applications/
    4. Open Safari > Preferences > Extensions and try to enable 1Password again.

    We'd love to know if this resolves the issue for you. I'll look forward to learning how this goes!

  • 1P_PeterG's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Hello @rhornsby, I'm sorry to learn of this admittedly perplexing issue. Thank you for the detailed description, as well as the steps you've taken to troubleshoot it so far. This is certainly not what we'd expect, and we'll be interested to get to the bottom of this!

    Since I'm not sure what the most likely cause is here, I have looped in our browser extension specialists so that they can start checking this out. 👍 Maybe I should check to see if we have any in-house quantum mechanics specialists as well. 🐈