'Fill in Browser' keyboard shortcut not working in Chrome/arch

Community Member
edited May 2022 in Linux

If I try to sign into a site using Chrome, it shows a tiny 1Password icon in the username text input.

But trying to use the 'Fill from 1Password' key combo doesn't appear to do anything.
I think the default key combo is CTRL+\, but since that didn't work I changed it to CTRL+# (in 1Password app settings).

That too is unresponsive. Any ideas please?

1Password Version: 8.6.1
Extension Version: 2.3.3
OS Version: Arch Linux (fully updated)


  • Hi @carpii.

    First of all, I'd like to apologize for this thread somehow flying under the radar. Keyboard shortcuts sadly are quite difficult to get right on linux and we do have some improvements to make here. Would you happen to be running your session under wayland or X? Are you installing via Flatpak, Snap or another method? The current design of wayland prevents apps (not just 1Password) from registering global keyboard shortcuts. There are some proposals(ex. in wayland, in sandboxed apps) to improve that situation but I'm not aware of any that have gained acceptance.

  • carpii
    Community Member
    edited May 2022

    Hi @Mathieu_1P

    Thanks for the reply. I'm not using Wayland, just X, and installed via the arch AUR repositories.

    But your post encouraged me to try some simpler shortcut, and I found one which seems to work.

    A few combinations 1Password seems unable to detect in app settings (so you cannot even set it as a shortcut) .. for example CTRL + SHIFT+ \

    Others you can set in the app settings, however they still do not trigger the autofill..... CTRL + SHIFT + #

    Finally I found one that will work properly... CTRL + SHIFT + /

    I can live with that

  • Thank you for letting us know, @carpii. We'll keep working to improve things in this area.

This discussion has been closed.