Installing 1Password 8 via MDM

Community Member
edited November 2022 in Mac

View 1Password's Approved Answer


We currently install 1Password 7 via VPP with Jamf. 1Password 8 is currently not on the Mac App Store, I'm happy to switch to a pkg or script based installation method, but I cannot see any way of achieving this. The zip file download from the main page is an installer and not an outright .app or .pkg we can use for distribution.

How, as an enterprise, are we supposed to roll this out to our users who have no permissions to write to /Applications?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • lucascantor
    Community Member

    A 1Password 8 for Mac installer version made for enterprise deployment is critical for us as well.

  • Hi @cpressland and @lucascantor, greetings. 👋

    Our engineering team is planning to follow up with an MDM-friendly (.pkg) installer in the not-too-distant future. It's on the roadmap to be looked at shortly, but we don't have an ETA just yet. Thanks for letting us know this is something you're interested in - we appreciate the chance to understand your use case!

    Thanks again for the request, and if you have any other questions about using 1Password in your company’s environment, I’d be happy to connect you with someone who can help.

  • mfh2022
    Community Member

    +1 Thanks for replying @PeterG_1P. And thanks to the 1Password team for solving a number of significant UX issues in 1Password 7. The latest version is much better.

    Curious what % of your business user base has people installing 1Password on their own vs. via MDM? Seems like it would be more MDM than on their own. Hoping for a .pkg soon!

  • bwatt
    Community Member

    Being that guy, with my first post and bumping this thread to see if anyone else has come up with a homebrew solution while waiting for the .pkg and if there is an ETA.

    Just been asked to roll this out on our fleet using WorkSpace One and so far my experiments haven't been fruitful as the transferred app is getting hit by GateKeeper.

  • ag_tommy
    edited July 2022


    Welcome to the family. I do not have a time line to share. My apologies. I do know some work is being done in this regard. Hopefully soon. Off-topic I have to say I love the user picture. I have stared at for longer than I would normally. Thought invoking for sure. 😉

  • esquared
    Community Member

    I too would like this, but whatever you do at AgileBits, please don't take away any 1P7 installers just yet - There are too many missing features from 1P8 for me to deploy that version to our company, so for the moment, we are staying with 1P7.

  • bwatt
    Community Member

    Thanks for the kind welcome and thank you for the update, knowing the wheels are in motion is reassuring.
    Re: The profile picture it's an age old tribute, 'the majestic sea cow' and tends to follow me around. :)

  • @esquared

    I'm not aware of any plans to remove the 1Password 7 installer at this time. It can be found on our website here (along with the installer for 1Password 6):


    Hopefully we can share more information in the future. (And I like your profile picture as well. 😄 )

  • RhinoCare
    Community Member

    Hi, I'm curious if there's any update on the status of either a .pkg file that can be deployed via MDM (specifically Jamf in my company's case) or via VPP/App Store?

  • @RhinoCare

    Thank you for following up! Our developers are still working on a MDM-friendly (.pkg) installer however I don't have any public-facing updates to share at the moment.


  • jonn1e
    Community Member

    Same issues here!

    It's a bit irritating that 1Password sells business and enterprise plans without proper deployment options via common routines.
    .MSI Files are missing and .MSI product codes are switching between versions so that a proper update via Intune isn't possible.
    .PKG Files are missing for deployment on OSX and the new installer can't be instructed by commandline to install or update the existing version.

    You may understand the pain for system administrator which want to keep their software up to date.

  • cpressland
    Community Member

    This is slightly off topic - but I just found out about the launch of 1Password 8 for iOS and Android. It was bad enough that there are user facing migration steps for macOS when we finally get a deployable release, but for iOS to have to require the user to physically delete “1Password” after the installation of “1Password” when both versions display the same to the end user is almost beyond forgiveness from an enterprise perspective.

    I’m sure there are good reasons for all this, but the migration to 1Password 8 is going to be long and slow for us.

  • bwatt
    Community Member

    Hey @Dave_1P & @ag_tommy , kicking this rock again. Any further progress you can share regarding the pkg deploys?

    If my understanding is correct the online zip/app that is available at the moment is pulling the full package from your online repo and executing and then cleanup.

    Is there any chance of having a terminal pull command for the enterprise accounts we could use as part of our MDMs? if the PKG options are still a fair way away.

    I could be way off the mark with the executions happening within the app but my cursory glances lead me along these lines.


  • @bwatt

    Sorry, I do not have any updates to share. My apologies.

  • MichaelMadsen
    Community Member

    In general on a Mac, an installer should never be an *.app file. It should be a *.pkg file.
    Alternatively you can distribute the *.app (the application - not an installer) directly and have it make any necessary changes at first run. However keep in mind that not all users are local admins.

    Is there any ETA on 1Password 8 as PKG?

  • Sorry, I have no new information available. It is still being worked on.

  • aaroncarson
    Community Member

    Hey folks, any updates here?

  • @aaroncarson

    I don't have any announcements to make today but the team is working on the .PKG installer and we hope to have more to share soon. 🙂


  • 1Password Approved Answer


    Hello folks,

    I'm happy to share that you can now deploy and manage 1Password 8 for Mac with MDM and a PKG installer. You can find more information here:

    And the PKG installer itself can be found here:

    Thank you again for your patience! 🙂


  • jonn1e
    Community Member

    Woop Woop! Finally!
    Thank your very much!

  • @jonn1e – You're welcome! Let us know if you have any questions or need any further help. :)

  • MichaelMadsen
    Community Member

    Thanks. This is great.

    Here is my json scheme for enforcing rules and settings in MDM (I'm using Jamf Pro):

    "title": "1Password 8 (com.1password.1password)",
    "description": "Preference settings for 1Password 8",
    "properties": {
    "security.authenticatedUnlock.appleTouchId": {
    "title": "Touch ID",
    "description": "Select blank value to let user decide by themselves",
    "property_order": 1,
    "type": "boolean"
    "security.autolock.onDeviceLock": {
    "title": "Lock on sleep, screensaver, or switching users",
    "description": "",
    "property_order": 2,
    "type": "boolean"
    "security.autolock.minutes": {
    "title": "Set auto-lock timeout (in minutes)",
    "description": "You can choose a number from 1 to 1440 (1 day).",
    "property_order": 3,
    "type": "integer"
    "updates.autoUpdate": {
    "title": "Automatically check for updates",
    "description": "",
    "property_order": 4,
    "type": "boolean"
    "updates.updateChannel": {
    "title": "Set release channel",
    "description": "The allowed values are PRODUCTION, BETA, and NIGHTLY",
    "property_order": 4,
    "type": "string",
    "options": {
    "enum_titles": ["PRODUCTION", "BETA", "NIGHTLY"]
    "enum": ["PRODUCTION", "BETA", "NIGHTLY"]

This discussion has been closed.