Quick Access doesn't show item details anymore

Community Member

I'm finding that the Quick Access feature in v8 is a significant step backwards compared to the 1Password Mini feature in v7. But let me start with the good: I love the prominent display of keyboard shortcuts. I could never remember keyboard shortcuts for anything except autofill & copy passwords with 1pwd mini.

The bad: you've eliminated the item detail pane. Now I have to open the full app to see anything, which is super clunky. Why did you throw out the old design instead of iterating it? I hope you're as open to re-evaluating and iterating this part of the app as you were the last time this went through a major redesign (at the launch of v7).

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • skatch
    Community Member

    Any pointers to other threads? Maybe better for me to add a note to one that is already getting attention.

    I tried searching the forum but I wasn't having any luck with what search terms to use.

  • Leszek
    Community Member

    I totally agree. I have now spend more time clicking an opening things to do the same that in 1P7 took me 2 seconds!

    If you don't have login, pass or OTP in your login/note item, you have to open the app to see the details.
    And even going around those items using arrow keys (up, down) is not supported.

  • Hi @Leszek / @skatch:

    Thanks for your feedback on this. I can definitely see how it would be useful to to see a preview of the item, similar to the way Spotlight displays a preview of the currently selected file. I've added your thoughts to a feature request we have on the topic. While I can't promise anything, we use feedback like yours to help inform the future of 1Password. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!


    ref: IDEA-I-1020

  • paulminors
    Community Member

    I completely agree. The new Quick Access menu is a step backwards in my opinion.

    With the old mini, you could hold Option to reveal passwords. Now you need to use extra clicks or a shortcut to open the entire app in order to reveal information.

  • Dave_1P
    edited May 2022


    Thank you for the feedback. You can use Quick Access to open an item in its own window to quickly view information without opening the main app:

    1. Open Quick Access and search for the item that you'd like to see.
    2. Press command-o on your keyboard.

    The item will be opened in a separate window and you can Reveal the password field here.

    That being said, we do have a work item open to investigate adding a Reveal option directly to Quick Access and I've added your feedback there so that our developers are aware that this is something you'd like to see. 😊

    ref: dev/core/core#10409

  • paulminors
    Community Member

    Thanks @Dave_1P. I'm currently using the shortcut as a workaround but it would be nice to reveal passwords in the quick reveal so hoping 1P can update this soon.

  • @paulminors

    I'm personally rooting for a Reveal option as well so hopefully this is something that will be added in the future. Thanks again for the feedback! 😊

  • Fofer
    Community Member

    Hi, I've spent too much time looking all over for this. Thought I was going crazy. :)

    The website's description is wrong:

    Sometimes websites or apps don't allow for copy-pasting and in those cases, I need to know what the password is, so I can manually enter it. I was hoping the Quick Access pop-up in 1Password 8 would be just as fast, just as good (or better) than the menu that appeared via previous versions. Unfortunately, it is not. Can this functionality be added, please?

  • Hi @Fofer, 👋🏻

    Glad to hear this thread could provide some validation! To clarify, the blurb on the website there is referring to how to view actions for an item in Quick Access:


    Pressing the right arrow key or clicking the three dots there would bring us to:


    The workaround Dave mentioned above (opening in a new window with CMD+O and revealing from there) is also what I could recommend currently. In case it helps, you can also turn on the option to reveal passwords by holding the Option key:


    This setting will also apply to items opened in a new window. I'd also explore using a Passphrase for those items so after revealing them momentarily you can proceed to type without having switch back or memorize a completely random password.

    All that said though, I've added you to our internal tracker to bring a reveal option directly to Quick Access and do appreciate how it would be useful. Thanks for your feedback and let me know if you have any questions. 🙂

    ref: dev/core/core#10409

  • pherplexed
    Community Member
    edited December 2022

    Came here to post the exact same feedback. The new Quick Access is a major step backward: it takes more steps to get the info you need

    I found it hugely helpful to be able to see all the info at a glance in the old version without having to click through multiple steps.

  • Hi @pherplexed,

    Sorry to hear Quick Access hasn't been working as well for you as we would've hoped. I've added your voice to the tracker Jack mentioned earlier but if there's anything in particular you're finding more difficult to do in 1Password 8, I'm happy to explore alternatives with you. Let me know. 🙂

    ref: IDEA-I-1020

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