Quick Access opening behind other windows

Community Member
edited May 2022 in Mac

Often when I open the 1Password application via ⇧⌘space, its window appears behind the window

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:behind


  • Hey @arievanboxel:

    That definitely doesn't sound the experience we want you to have when using Quick Access. Are you still running into trouble?


  • arievanboxel
    Community Member

    @Jack.P_1P: This still happens in the latest version (8.7.0). The issue is picked up by Customer Support.

  • @arievanboxel

    Could you share your support id number with me? I want to connect the dots as they say. Thanks.

  • arievanboxel
    Community Member

    My contact is @Kester.D_1P. I am not sure what number you want. Maybe #CSQ-67456-912?

  • ag_tommy
    edited May 2022

    That's it. Thanks so much for sharing it with me.

    ref: CSQ-67456-912

  • callseng
    Community Member

    Has this been addressed / is there a separate thread with more recent information? This is happening to me as well and it becomes quite the productivity killer over time. Not breaking, clearly, but ends up wasting time / breaking workflow. I'm running 1Password for Mac 8.9.8 (80908009). Thank you!

  • Hi @callseng,

    Sorry to hear you're experiencing something similar and it's interrupting your workflow, could I confirm that it's only Quick Access behaving this way?

    If so, does it happen when triggering Quick Access via keyboard shortcut as well as via clicking the menu bar icon?

    Have you noticed any patterns in the behaviour, perhaps a certain program that's also open when it happens, or that seem to produce different behaviour?

    Let me know what you find and we'll figure out our next steps from there. 🙂

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