1Password 8 installation frozen, after 1/2 hour it says wait for data to be moved, what to do?

Community Member

It says dont quit app.
running latest Mac OS
Upgrading from latest 1Password 7
any thoughts

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:1Password 8 installation freezing.


  • juliankaye
    Community Member

    1Password 7
    Version 7.9.4 (70904001)
    1Password Store
    Mac OS 12.3.1

  • Hi @juliankaye:

    By chance do you happen to have 1Password 7 open? The installer needs 1Password 7 open and unlocked to perform the migration process. You can quit the installer, open and unlock 1Password 7, and then run the installer again. Let me know how you get on with that!


  • juliankaye
    Community Member

    Yes, that was the problem, now its installed correctly.

  • @juliankaye

    On behalf of Jack, I'm happy that his suggestion helped and that you're now up and running with 1Password 8. 😊

  • crisrich58
    Community Member

    The information about having to keep 1Password 7 open should also be written on the window: "Keep 1Password 7 open and don't quit this app."

  • @crisrich58

    That's a good suggestion, our developers are hoping to resolve the root cause so that the issue doesn't occur in the first place. Hopefully this can be permanently fixed soon. 🙂

  • CrispinBates
    Community Member

    The installer is frozen eve when 1Password7 is open. My Primary value is on Dropbox. Could that be the problem?

  • CrispinBates
    Community Member

    Even when 1Password7 is open and unlocked the 1Password8 installer is still frozen. Could this be because my primary vault is on Dropbox?

  • Hi @CrispinBates:

    I see that we've got an ongoing email conversation with you, so continuing the discussion there would be best. Thanks!


    ref: ZFA-75133-128

  • frognal
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    I seem to have shot myself in the foot by allowing dropbox to update on mac ('Your Dropbox folder will be moved to ~/Library/CloudStorage') and updating 1Password from 7 to 8 with the primary vault being on dropbox. It seems stuck now even though 1Password7 is open. Any ideas?

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