Filter by Subdomain

Community Member


I have a platform and all of my customers on my platform are on a subdomain of our domain. I have a different password for each of my customers' sites (naturally). So...

I want to tie each login to a specific domain, not the parent domain because it takes so much time. Plus now with 1Password8 it's not as smart at matching sites and when I am sharing my screen and 1Password Comes up, my customers see ALL of my other customers. This does not work for me.

Can someone help me please? It seems like there should be any easy solution for this. I reached the knowledge base and all I found was something about lenient domains in preferences. This does not seem to exist anymore.

Thanks so much in advance.

Bryan Robb

1Password Version: 8
Extension Version: 8
OS Version: Mac OS 12.3.1


  • Hey @brobb1972:

    Great question. The short answer is as it currently stands, 1Password in the browser currently will only match on the root domain.

    I definitely can understand how it would be handy to match on a full specific domain, rather than just the root domain, so I've added you to an internal feature request to allow for advanced matching options.

    With that in mind, there's a few possible workarounds that would work for you today.

    • You can type in the field the 1Password in-line menu is suggesting in to filter logins. For example, if each of your Logins are named for the specific customer, typing that customer name in the field will filter the in-line menu.
    • You can create a Vault for screen sharing, and move only that customer's Login item into that vault. You can then configure 1Password in the browser to only suggest items from a single vault. To set which vaults are included when you view All Accounts, click All Accounts > Settings, then adjust the vaults under Accounts and Vaults.

    Thanks for your feedback on this, and while I can't promise anything, we use feedback like yours to help inform the future of 1Password.


    ref: IDEA-I-57

  • brobb1972
    Community Member

    Thank you Jack! So I reverted to 1Password7 cuz I thought I was crazy. How come this worked in 1Password7? What's different about that? In 1Password7 I don't even have to pick anything. It just "works"!

  • Hi @brobb1972,

    Great question! This isn't an issue with 1Password 7 vs. 1Password 8 exactly but related to the 1Password extension you are using. I would hazard a guess that you are either using the Safari extension included in 1Password 7 or the 1Password classic extension if you're using another browser with 1Password 7. The current version of our extension, 1Password in the Browser, uses a different domain matching system than the two older extensions, which is where the difference lies. 1Password 8 only supports 1Password in the browser, which why you are bumping into the issue there and not in 1Password 7.

    As Jack mentioned, we've added your feedback to our internal feature request to add advanced domain matching to 1Password in the Browser.

    Thanks again for your feedback, and let us know if we can help any further.


  • chatelp
    Community Member

    Hi team ! I have the exact same feature request 😀

  • @chatelp

    Thank you for the feedback, I've added your vote to the feature request as well. 🙂


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