v8. Can I reorder my sidebar?

Community Member

I'd like to reorder the major items and I'd also like to reorder the sub-items within a major item. For instance, I'd like to move Watchtower down and vaults up above categories, and then I'd like to reorder the items listed within the categories section.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:reorder the sidebar


  • Hi @j2sacks, thanks for this suggestion. I have added a request to our developers for the ability to re-order sidebar elements in the way you've described. If you're open to it, I'd love to know more about what benefit you feel this would provide! The better we understand your use case, the more responsive our solutions can be. 👍

    ref: IDEA-I-1079

  • justinmatson
    Community Member

    I also have this request. I used to be able to do this with 1Password 7 and it's been really disappointing to see this feature removed. I keep a lot of data in one Password, and being able to manually reorder the fields helps keep it organized. For example, sometimes if a Login is shared across multiple sites (owned by the same parent company), I list multiple URLs as well as urls for the login page, dashboard, etc. Being able to put the most relevant one up top is handy. Same with keeping info like order numbers, expiration dates, auto-renewal dates, login email (when different from username), etc. being able to organize them into sections and relevance is very useful. Please add this feature back in. Thank you.

  • justinmatson
    Community Member

    Oh I guess I'm mostly talking about manually moving data fields within the same entry, but @j2sacks request to reorder entries within the sidebar helps too.

  • Hi @justinmatson, 👋🏻

    Thanks for your detailed feedback! It always helps to have more information about how folks use 1Password, so I appreciate you taking the time to give us more context. We have open feature requests for reordering both side bar elements as well as fields within an item so I'll add your voice to both. I'm unable to share specifics at the moment, but I do recommend keeping an eye on the 1Password for Mac Beta Releases and turning on automatic updates so you can try out new features as soon as they're ready.

    Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂

    ref: IDEA-I-372
    ref: IDEA-I-698

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