Can I make the passwords display in a fixed width font again?

Community Member

New 1Password switched to displaying passwords in a proportional font, which makes them much harder to read. Passwords are not words (or they should not be) so there's no benefit to this. It just makes things harder for no reason.

Is there a way to switch this back to fixed-width? And if not, can you fix this? To me, this seems to be beyond a design decision, and more of an actual bug, since it makes the app measurably worse.

1Password Version: 8.7.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.4


  • Ben

    Hey @DavidGA

    The font used in 1Password is not customizable, however you may find the Large Type feature helpful in this regard. To access it hover your mouse over the password field, click the down arrow to the right of the password, and then select the Large Type option.

    Does that help? Please let me know.


  • DavidGA
    Community Member

    I understand the Large Type feature but that's not what I asked.

    You're implying that 1Password is intentionally displaying passwords now in a proportional font, is that correct?

    I'm just struggling to understand the rationale.

  • Ben


    Yes, we're intentionally using the font Inter. Inter has special features for disambiguation and alternate numbers for more apparent distinctions.


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