Fill Login or Show 1Password Keyboard Shortcut

Community Member

In 1Password 7 there was a 'Fill Login or Show 1Password' shortcut, which in 1P8 has been split into two separate shortcuts.

I would love for there to be an option for a single shortcut that does both, as in how 1P7 did it.

It was far more convenient before to be able to quickly fill a login if there were only one option, but chose from Mini if there were more than 1.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • notnotjake
    Community Member

    The Autofill shortcut works similar to 1P7, where if there is only one possible item, it autofills, but if there are multiple it opens Quick Access to choose. But when no login field is selected, the shortcut does nothing so it's not a total solution.

  • Hi @notnotjake:

    Thanks for your feedback on this! While I can't promise anything, I'll share it with the team.


  • ccampbell
    Community Member

    1P7 provided the ability to fill without submitting. This feature is missing from 1P8 desktop, and it's already resulted in me logging into the wrong account on several occasions since I didn't have an opportunity to inspect the credentials that were used. In at least two cases, I had multiple credentials for an account but had an outdated URL listed.

    The account I was logged in to was one that was shared with me for "in case of emergencies" purposes. In another case, I was automatically logged into a client's personal account that had accidentally been placed in a shared vault (since 1P8 desktop also dropped ability to set a preferred vault).

  • Hey @ccampbell:

    Thanks for your feedback on auto-submit. I'll share your thoughts with the team.


    ref: dev/core/core#14506

  • Hi folks, thanks for your feedback in this thread! I want to follow up by sharing that the option to disable autosubmit has recently made it to our nightly build. If you're already on the Nightly release channel you should see the option in your 1Password 8 preferences. If you're interested in switching release channels, you'll be given updates once the next nightly release is available:


    Otherwise, this feature will undergo additional testing before it makes it to beta or production. Wherever you end up trying it, we hope you'll find it helpful and look forward to any feedback you might have. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts here, we appreciate it. 🙂

This discussion has been closed.