Adding a subnet as a website entry for a login item

Community Member


I would like to provide an IP subnet as a website entry for a login item for 1Password to automatically show the login/password when I visit websites on this subnet. Is there a way to do it ?

I tried to use https://192.168.. but it doesn't work.


1Password Version: 8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS12
Referrer: forum-search:subnet


  • Hi @KaiserThaws, thanks for this question. We have an open feature request for an advanced filling feature that would allow you to fill by subnet. Currently the login item type only allows http and https addresses in the website field, as far as I know, but we are interested in producing a solution that can help your use case. And I'd be happy to add a vote on your behalf for that feature!

  • KaiserThaws
    Community Member

    Hi @PeterG_1P !
    Thanks for your reply. There's hope for this feature to be released then !
    Would be glad if you could add a vote on my behalf for this feature

  • Done, @KaiserThaws. Thanks for adding your voice to this!

    ref: IDEA-I-57

This discussion has been closed.