Looking for Customer Feedback on a New Feature - Service Accounts!
Hi everyone! Hope you all are having a great day.
I’m Sadia, a Product Manager here at 1Password, and I am looking for some developers that would be interested in chatting with me about a new feature our team has been working on: Service Accounts. Earlier this year, we introduced the CLI 2.0, where users can use “run” and “inject” commands to substitute secret references for secrets stored in 1Password vaults. With our new Service Account capabilities, organizations can use a separate non-user account to control and manage access to secrets without deploying additional services like Connect. We are still in the process of developing this feature, and want to hear about your experiences and pain-points with managing infrastructure secrets and gather some feedback. The more we can learn from our users, the better we can build a product that caters to your needs and workflows.
If you are interested, please feel free to reply to this thread or sign-up for a 30 minute slot on Calendly.
I look forward to chatting with you soon :)