2factor authentication doesn;t catch

i have 2FA added and active, but the extension doesn't trigger 2fa when the website is asking for it (mostly for confirmations on transfers)

site structure json:
"unparsedUrl": "",
"title": "Recent Transactions",
"frames": [
"fields": [
"htmlId": "g-recaptcha-response-100000",
"htmlName": "g-recaptcha-response",
"htmlClass": "g-recaptcha-response",
"isHidden": true,
"opid": 0,
"type": "textarea"
"htmlId": "ember2705",
"htmlClass": "ember-view ember-text-field",
"isUserEdited": true,
"opid": 1,
"type": "text",
"labelBefore": "Please enter the code you received"
"htmlClass": "j-button j-button--primary j-button--small",
"opid": 2,
"type": "submit"
"forms": [],
"origin": "",
"title": "Recent Transactions",
"pathName": "/wallet",
"uuid": "1mfqgzg"
"direction": "ltr",
"fields": [],
"forms": [],
"origin": "",
"title": "reCAPTCHA",
"pathName": "/recaptcha/api2/anchor",
"uuid": "1vg39hx"

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.3.5
OS Version: Not Provided


  • Hi @nullx8:

    Thanks for letting us know about this. I've filed an issue so hopefully our developers can improve the state of play here in the future.


    ref: dev/core/core#16050

This discussion has been closed.