when duplicating a note, the newly created one gets the old Creation date too. Bug?

Community Member

Hi, when duplicating a note, the new note gets given same creation date as the old one.
I assume thats a bug, as it should surely get todays creation date?

1Password Version: 8.7.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:duplicating


  • Hi @Goldfinger:

    Great question! As it currently stands, duplicating an item makes a one-to-one copy of that item, including the date created / modified date.


  • Goldfinger
    Community Member

    Understood, thx.

  • Glad that @Jack.P_1P 's information has been helpful here, @goldfinger. Thanks for the question!

  • justmrsimon
    Community Member

    Are there any plans to change duplicating function to set created and modified dates to current date/time?

    I can understand that the function is working as designed, and that from a technical perspective a duplicate is literally identical (obvs there must be a unique identifier somewhere in the record).
    However from a UX perspective, copying the created and modified date/time doesn't make sense.

    I'm creating this new record now, so telling me that it was created 6 months ago/1 year ago etc is misleading.

  • Hello @justmrsimon,

    Thanks for your question! There are no plans that I am aware of, but we understand your perspective. I've seen interest from some other customers who would to see the creation and modification dates of duplicate items appear as the date the duplicate item was created. I've passed along your details to the product team for consideration.

    We appreciate your feedback!

    ref: IDEA-I-1683

  • justmrsimon
    Community Member

    Thank you!

  • You're welcome, @justmrsimon!

This discussion has been closed.