"Open an Click" opens the drop down menu from the icon in the main menu bar instead of web page

Community Member
edited July 2022 in Mac

Sometime, but not every time, when I click on a web address for an item in the main application, instead of the appropriate web window opening, a password window drops down from the 1password icon in the main menu bar. Finding and clicking on the desired link in that window just opens another drop-down. I end up having to copy and paste the link manually. It does not happen with only one particular URL This has been an ongoing issue across several versions of Firefox.

1Password Version: 7.9.5
Extension Version:
OS Version: Mac OS 11.6.7
Browser:_ Firefox
Referrer: forum-search:"Open an Click" opens the drop down menu from the icon in the main menu bar


  • Hi @anneanderson:

    That definitely isn't the experience we want you to have with 1Password. Based on the version numbers you've shared, it seems like you might still be using a standalone license of 1Password, is that correct? As a sidenote, 1Password 8 is the current version of 1Password for Mac.

    I wasn't immediately able to replicate this using 1Password 8. 1Password 8 requires a 1Password membership, and we're offering some great discounts if you'd like to trade in your license. You can get in touch with our migration team by sending an email to support+tradein@1password.com, and include a link to this thread. You'll receive an email from BitBot with a support ID that looks something like [#ABC-12345-678]. Post that here, and I'll be able to locate your email to us and connect the dots.

    Let me know!


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