After I upgraded to version 8, I can no longer see how to change the order of things while editing

Community Member

When I add a value to an entry, like a "Website", I used to see a way to drag them up or down and reorder them. I can still see how to do this in the mobile app, but don't see how to do it in the desktop app.

1Password Version: 8.7.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.4
Browser:_ N/A
Referrer: forum-search:Desktop reordering section items


  • datajock
    Community Member

    I just updated to version 8.8.0 in the hopes that fixed the issue, but still do not see how to do this.

  • Hi @datajock:

    It isn't currently possible to re-order fields in 1Password 8 just yet. While I can't share specifics on when it'll be out, we are actively working on it though. Keep an eye out for updates!


  • Joolster
    Community Member

    Hi Jack - please do let us know when this is available as it's a priority for me when using the app. Thanks

  • linwee
    Community Member

    I am following this with interest, more so having the ability to re-order sections. I have searched for answers in the forums and all I can find are people asking for this feature (as far back as 2013!!) and 1Password Team Members saying "we are actively working on this". It seems you have been saying this for almost ten years now. When will it happen?

  • @linwee

    I have no definitive timeline. It is on the to-do list, but I cannot promise more than that.


  • dhagberg
    Community Member

    Also looking forward to having this missing functionality added in 1Password v8.

    The workaround I found in the meantime was to use my install of 1Password 7 to change the order of Website links.

  • Joolster
    Community Member

    It's something that I was using frequently and had meant I wanted to use the software more and I created a number of items in 1P solely because I knew they would be easy to edit. Now I can no longer sequence my content without a lot workarounds i.e. faffing about in other versions of the software (which seems extremely counter intuitive!) I am feeling pretty grumpy about it. Communication about why this feature was missed out of the major release and some comms available about how release cycles are planned and when it will be back would certainly helping me feel more positive about my UX! Could users vote on the sequence of some features that are planned to be developed by the team - that way you and we will have better visibility of or understanding of the priority / timings...

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