Mac OS 12.5 w/ Safari - Bug Fix/Feature Request - Hide My Email
I'm not sure if this is the appropriate way to do this but I wanted to request a bug fix/feature for Mac OS Monterey. When you have Autofill turned on (which is by default and I use this for certain things) the 1Password login box is hidden by the Hide My Email option box. Also, on a Touch Bar MacBook Pro, the 1Password login button is missing.
To me this seems like 1Password should release an update to interface with this built-in Mac OS feature so that users can use both options if they wish to. I know other people have had this issue as well.
Thank you,
PS: I just realized 1PW 8 is available, but for some reason it's not listed on the Mac App Store. Previously I did try using the new 1PW for Safari extension but I found that I prefer the 1PW 7 extension as the new one did not work all the time and it was annoying that it has to be logged in separately from the desktop app. I will have to try 1PW 8 and the new extension again to see if maybe that solves the issue and hopefully it's been improved as far as the extension working correctly and syncing up with the desktop app better, regarding logging in and such.
1Password Version: 7.9.5
Extension Version: 7.9.5 Extension
OS Version: Mac OS 12.5
Browser:_ Safari