Different app listing for 1Password 8?

Community Member

Is it not released as an update to the existing 1Password 7 app?

1Password 8 - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onepassword.android
Current 1Password 7 - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.agilebits.onepassword

1Password Version: 7.9.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Android 12
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hello @pratnala, thanks for your question! 1Password 8 for Android is a new separate app built from the ground up. You will not be upgraded to it automatically from 1Password 7 for Android. If you have a 1Password membership you can download 1Password 8 and start using the new app. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback!

  • pratnala
    Community Member

    The press releases should say that then :)

  • Thanks for the feedback @pratnala. Are you referring to our blog post or another release? I would be happy to pass your feedback along to the team.

  • pratnala
    Community Member

    Press releases on other websites like The Verge didn't mention it last I checked.

  • Thanks @pratnala, reading through the Verge article I definitely understand where your question is coming from. I'll be sure to share this with the team.

  • ElijahLynn
    Community Member

    As a user, I think this is a horrible user experience. To have to install a separate app and then uninstall the old one. To me, a software engineer myself, this screams of incompetence.

    I'm not going to be upgrading right now. I urge you to figure out a way to actually upgrade the existing app. I don't want an app that has a version number in it either. Why do I care about the version number as a user? Really?

  • Hello @ElijahLynn, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    To add a little more context, 1Password 8 completes our transition away from standalone vaults to our 1Password.com service. We didn’t want to remove functionality from anyone, though, so we published version 8 as a new download to keep their data and experience intact.

    That being said, I can definitely understand your frustration with the experience and why you've been hesitant to update. I've shared your feedback with the team. If there's anything we can help with at this time, just let us know! Thanks again.

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