Where is item history in 1Password app?

Community Member

I caused a password for a website to be changed inadvertently while I was maintaining logins for email accounts on our mail server. I needed to access the history for the item to revert to the proper credentials. I could not find the history anywhere in the app or in the extension.

Fortunately I recalled that the 1Password online capability might provide history. It did, and was able to revert.

Is it true that there is no longer any way to access the history of an item in the app?

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: 12.4
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hi @jasimon9,

    Glad you were able to use 1Password.com to revert to a previous version of an item when needed. You can access password history in the 1Password 8 for Mac app by choosing the item and then clicking the arrow at the end of the password field:


    Note that this option will only show if the item has password history, so you may not see it on every single item. Hope this helps. 🙂

  • jasimon9
    Community Member
    edited August 2022

    that does not seem to work in all cases. Please see the screen shot. As you can see, there is no history, even though the online method did have the history.

    But it is more than just that. I also needed the previous username, as that was also corrupted. Fortunately the on-line method had both username and password as it had a different mechanism of showing the history. But I recall that the app also used to have form history, which it no longer seems to have.

    I have had this problem in the past, where the app does not have the history. When you need it, you really need it badly.

  • Hi @jasimon9,

    Thanks for your reply, I echo your sentiment about the urgency of item history. Password history in the app will only show for that particular field, so you're correct that going to 1Password.com is the solution when searching for things like username history. Tracking feedback to make this feature more aligned between the app and website is ongoing and I have added a proxy vote on your behalf.

    I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts, don't hesitate in the future if you have any questions!

    ref: PSS-I-34

  • jasimon9
    Community Member

    Thanks for add my vote!

    I believe this feature used to exist. That is, there was a "form history" button on the item in the app. If so, this is a case of a feature removal of a desirable feature.

  • On behalf of Andrew, you're very welcome @jasimon9.


  • galexane
    Community Member

    I have this problem too - no password history for a password that I've just changed. It's disappointing to lose features in the new version of the app.

  • jasimon9
    Community Member
    edited November 2022

    Is there a way to downgrade to version 7. It mostly "just worked". Version 8 should be avoided; definitely not a product I can recommend.

  • Hi @galexane and @jasimon9,

    Sorry to hear this issue persists. To clarify, password history is available for password fields. If a field was created as something else and renamed, it won't have the same properties. Likewise if an item is recreated and a password is manually copied, its history will not be copied along with it.

    To confirm that password history as a function is working as expected in your apps, I'd like to ask you to create a test item, save it, and then change its password. If you're still not seeing the "View password history" option, let me know and we can dig deeper. 🙂

  • galexane
    Community Member

    @andrew.l_1P - a test worked fine. Weird that I had a problem because it was definitely a newly created login. Fingers crossed for next time I need it.

  • Appreciate the quick response, @galexane! Glad to hear the test was a success.

    I've personally created new items by mistake when I thought I was changing an existing one, so I recommend doubling checking for items identical/similar to the one that should've had a password history. You can use the created/modified dates to determine which is more recent if that ends up being the case.

    We're here to help if you come across anything similar in the future or just if you have any questions. 😊

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