Please release 1Password 8 to the Mac App Store [No definite plans]

Community Member
edited August 2022 in Mac

Long term 1Password user here, licenses since 2008. Thanks for the great software, but please don't ditch the Mac App Store.

Professionally I use Mac App Store Volume purchasing to deploy 1Password to Mac Computers. Personally I prefer App Store versions over downloading and installing software manually, I think the App Store is also great for non-power users to get started. Having 1Password in the Mac App Store is a great asset in my opinion. Ditching the store would be a step back.

I have browsed through the forum and looked at all the relevant threads, I also subscribed to the dedicated newsletter related to the Mac App Store version topic. Now I'm still patiently waiting for the 1Pw8 version to show up in the Mac App Store. Professional and personal licensing is on hold until I have clear picture on where things are heading. I hope you will keep supporting and focusing on the Mac App Store for the Mac version.

1Password Version: 7.9.6
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 12.5
Browser:_ Firefox


  • sbxcr
    Community Member

    Cosigned—my assigned laptop at the office is locked down tight, but does still accept/install apps from the App Store without hassle. On that device I'm either stuck with 7 or into the corporate solution (LastPass).

  • Globetrotter
    Community Member

    Please distribute 1Password 8 for MacOS via the Apple App Store!
    Or explain at least why you did not do it until now? I am a paying customer for 1Password and we make use of it with our family subscription, but we don't want to install software from outside Apple's App Store.

  • pokryfka
    Community Member


    On top of that, 1Password 8 installer requires root password (?!).

  • mightymax
    Community Member

    Would anyone from the 1Password team be so kind to comment on this thread. That would be great, thanks!

  • Hi folks,

    We haven’t ruled this out, and are evaluating our options for including 1Password 8 for Mac in the App Store. As it stands there are no definite plans for it to be there. You can subscribe updates on this topic here:

    This list will only be used for updates regarding any changes to the statement above and gauging interest. I'm sorry I don't have a more definitive answer as it stands, but there are a number of considerations that need to be worked out.

    You've (Agilebits) been incredibly doublespeak-y when you're really saying "we don't want to pay the Apple tax".

    To be clear: we have no issue paying Apple for their services and it is possible to subscribe to 1Password through Apple using the iTunes App Store. In fact we continue to encourage customers who need to pay using currencies other than USD/CAD/EUR to do so.


  • markomitranic
    Community Member

    This is such a weird decision to make for 1P8. It's a very un-mac thing to do, all while touting how "well integrated with mac it is".
    In fact, after reading the explanation above, it seeds some doubt in my mind about all the sketchy stuff 1P8 may be doing, if they can't get it into App Store. I reverted to using 1P7 from the store for now. If they decide to pull 7 from the store at some point, I will switch to a different app.

  • pinecone
    Community Member
    edited September 2022

    @markomitranic Has it right. If AB's position is that "we have no issue paying Apple for their services" then the only reason not to use the App Store is that 1P8 would not pass Apple's requirements.

    And they want me to trust my passwords such an app?

  • pinecone
    Community Member

    @Ben BTW - When I try to subscribe to the updates using the link you provided, I get an error.

    Not reassuring when even your web forms have bugs.

  • Hi @pinecone

    I just tried this myself, and on the first attempt got the same error, but tried again and it worked fine. I've alerted our web team to this issue. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.


  • crossplatformman
    Community Member

    I too second the demand for Mac App Store version. 1password is pricey for a little app and I pay it for the convenience over other services. One of those conveniences is Mac App Store integration.

  • This used to be a great app focused on the needs of the users. That is what made it successful. There is no valid argument given why 1PW8 is not on the App Store and that is by all means not just sketchy, but completely not taking into consideration the need of users to actually trust this app. Seeking for more transparent and user focussed alternatives now....

  • drewe20001
    Community Member

    I would add a big caveat to this request (I also want to see 1Password 8 in the Mac App Store, and wonder why it can't be...)

    Please DO NOT remove 1Password 7 (the only functional version) from the store at the same time you (eventually) add 1Password 8. That is not a solution I'm looking for.

This discussion has been closed.