installed v8 on iPad. I go to Tags and select one it displays typically only one note

Community Member

having installed the new v8 on ipad and iPhone I now find that, when i go to Tags and select one which is known to have many associated notes, in most cases it only finds one. Help!
This appears to have affected the database too as the original 1Password on Mac now has the same problem

1Password Version: 8.9.0
Extension Version: 80900001
OS Version: macOS 12.5
Browser:_ Safari
Referrer: forum-search:installed v8 on iPad. I go to Tags and select one it displays typically only one note


  • Hi @Moorlander:

    I see you've reached out to us as well via email, so continuing the conversation there would be best. We'll be in touch soon.


    ref: SAD-14747-183

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