"Pin to Screen"

Is the "pin to screen" feature missing from 1Password 8?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
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Referrer: forum-search: The "pin to screen" button is missing


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2022

    Hey @alfonsopulido! The new extension that is supported by 1Password 8 feature does not have a "pin to screen" feature. That said, we do have an internal feature request open regarding it. I'm happy to add you to the request.

    For now, I recommend using Quick Access to bring up a window with your login details. Quick Access can be invoked with the command+shift+space keyboard shortcut. It won't stay pinned to your screen, but it will appear any time you use the shortcut. I hope that can help for now.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions!


  • alfonsopulido
    Community Member

    Thank you for your response. I hope the feature is added again in future software versions.

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    @alfonsopulido You're welcome! I hope so too.

  • chrisbartley
    Community Member

    +1 for bringing this back.

    Workaround: Use Quick Access or the to search for what you want, use arrow keys if necessary to highlight, then type cmd-O to open it in a pinned window.

    Alternatively, if using the browser extension popup, then cmd-O will open the item in 1Password and select it, and another cmd-O will open the pinned window.

  • moojimmy
    Community Member

    What's the timeline to get the Pin to Screen deployed? I've seen few posts of "it's in the feature request" already for few months. This shouldn't be in the feature request since it was already on 1P7. It's a bit frustrating when you guys are pushing people to upgrade (which I did) and find the basic function missing.

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