Is there a way to remove the totally pointless index headings in the list view?

Community Member

The new UI in 8 is 'pretty' but less practical than the UI in 7. For example you have added index headings to the list view pane. It is totally pointless as I can see at a glance that the items all start with the letter B for example. Even in compact view my favourites no longer fit in a window. This now requires additional scrolling which was not needed in the previous version.
I will take function over form EVERY time.... I can not find an option to turn this pointless UI off. If it doesn't exist please add it or receive a bill from my doctor for the RSSI I will doubtless suffer as a result of your UI change ;-)

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.5
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:1password8 index


  • Mycenius
    Community Member

    Agreed - its especially egregious in the Favourites list in all versions (Mac, iOS and Windows).

  • mburnett
    Community Member


  • techtherapy
    Community Member


  • JimH
    Community Member

    Totally agree. I can longer see my favourites on one screen. There really is no point in wasting space by indexing letters of the alphabet.

    1PW 8 is very pretty with its huge variety of colours but I think most users will value functionality over prettiness. If the product must now look pretty then the use of colour should be applied intelligently and each colour should have meaning ie one colour to be relevant only to items of one class/category. The brief for the new UI seems to have been to randomly splash as many colours everywhere without rhyme nor reason resulting in an ugly and garish kaleidoscope.

  • Hi @paulrbarnard, @Mycenius, @mburnett, @techtherapy, and @JimH,

    I appreciate the insight and absolutely see how some might value the space for items over having the dividers, especially on screens where each letter doesn't contain many items (Favourites being an excellent example). Tracking for the option to change this is ongoing and I have added proxy votes on behalf of each of you. 👍🏻

    While I can't make any promises, your comments here give us the context to best advocate for the changes you want to see, so thank you for taking the time to share them. 🙂

    Let me know if you have any questions!

    ref: IDEA-I-568

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